

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Review 31st of DeC 2010

ThE LaSt DaY of year 2010

It's also my DD's 20's BeLaTeD BiRtHdAy~~ XD


I bought a CaKe and CeLeBrAtE for him that night 12am....^-^

Before his BiRtHdAy, Im buSyiNg for MANY MaKe GoOd ExAms...


That time I'm really WORRY about I've not EnOuGh TiMe to prepare his PrEsEnT....

That's why I start to do his PrEsEnT the DaY BeFoRe his BiRtHdAy~~


No Suprise at all after you knew I am doing your present~~ = ='''

And you said my words UGLY~~~


Hope you don't mind~

Actually, I've tried HARD~~@@

Well~~~ These are PaGeS that I've captured....

ThE BoOk ThAt I'Ve DoNe FoR HiM

Don't know why....

I felt that you are a guy that care about your family, brothers and friends...

So, I decided to do this for you...

Hope that....

Every year, the wishes will still ReMaIn with you together....

Quite SaD actually...

I really didn't notice my words UGLY that MoMeNt~



So.... when you told me I quite DiSaPpOiNtEd.... =[

You knew I likes things are prefect especially those that made by myself...


Anyway, just hope you will LiKe it~~ =]

Happy birthday~~


  1. Sorry...
    I don't know my words make you so sad...

  2. But you should know that's not my real words from my heart. I just don't know how to show it out. Maybe "zat" you, become apart of our life d. Sorry again, I will changed it.
