

Sunday, February 20, 2011

College Life

Year 1 Sem 3's College Life

Wow~ Time really goes FaSt....

Third sem got only 3 SuBjEcTs, but this 3 SubJeCtS look hard neh...@@

1) Introduction to E-Commerce

2) Tamadun Islam

3) Introduction to Marketing

All need to memorize... But for me, is GOOD!


Cause I like memorizing more than calculating... =D

I made a promise, I gonna keep working hard start from now...

Make my notes every end of the week and revise it...

StArT from this sem, I am gonna be really BuSy... @@!

I took the TrEaSuReR post for SWC society....

Vice Chairperson for "Tong Xin Yuan" Society...

Well, I ain't Greedy...


Can't StOp to challenge myself... =]

It will be ToUgH, ExHaUsTeD, StReSsFuL sometimes,

But... I'm ReAdY for this!!!

Well, I think the BeSt word for my situation now is "Ga YaO" la!!!! =D

Gambateh!!! Megan LIM!


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