Can't StOp, We Won't StOp...
Yeah, You Know We Don't STOP....
Good person, you're the one who first LoVe me..
The person who taught me to LoVe..
Never FoRgEt you, I ReMeMbEr you...
I'll ReMeMbEr only u...
Perhaps I might SeE you, so i wore the ClOtHeS you bought for me..
I cut my hair ShOrT, the WaY you LiKe it...
To WaLk the road that I WaLkEd with you..
I went round the LoNg way thinking maybe you'd be ThErE..
I still have the SaMe phone number..
My HouSe is still the SaMe in case you will FiNd me..
On my mini hompy, LiStEn the songs we listened together..
Thinking maybe you'll LoOk and you'll CoMe BaCk again..
We still haven't FoRgOtTeN,
We still WaNt each other,
We're still In LoVe,
Honestly I MiSs YoU,
I MiSs YoU LiKe CrAzY,
I will WaIt you no matter what,
I'll WaIt for you till the EnD,
I stop and wonder if you came back to me..
I'll BeGin again...
I want to Say to you...
That even if we couldn't SeE each other again..
I am still HolDiNg on to you...